
Showing posts from May, 2015


Assalamualaikum.  Sejak kebelakangan ni rasa banyak pula menulis. There's a lot of things to say when no one is reading attentively, actually.  Thanks to this hectic part of the semester, I won't be home for the few coming weeks. Not a big deal, really but I just miss my boys. What a coziness a family brings. Sejak kebelakangan ni juga banyak perkara berlaku. Tanpa sedar, masa berlalu amat pantas dan banyak perkara yang terlepas pandang. Aku tak mahu terlepas perkara-perkara yang dianggap remeh sehinggakan tak diambil kisah langsung. Kita hidup bukan berseorangan. Boleh jadi gila kalau tiada orang sekeliling. Life doesn't evolve around only you, tahu? Bila kita berkawan ni, macam-macamlah ragam kan. Aku pun harap orang lain dapat bersabar dengan aku. I am just a mortal like you pun. Tak sabar sebenarnya nak tukar angin (pindah) ni. At this stage of life, I just feel the need to start living differently. Why don't I give it a try. What bad could it bring...

As chances come by,

Assalamualaikum. To be just in any arguments, To be fair in any involvements. To be acknowledged in any movements, To be respected in giving opinions. To be given a solid second chance, To be appreciated on acceptance. "If given chance, anyone can do it," said Prof Dahlan. I realise the moment you feel everything is over, life claims that there's a lot more to offer. A LOT. This time, this chance is worth grabbing. "Everything and anything." Terima kasih buat peluang ini, sahabat-sahabat.

Just some quotes from my friends

"Just do what makes you happy and satisfied."  (Atiqah) "What's your sole purpose of living?" (Amir) "Esok lusa nak mati dah." (Durra) "Wish you were here." (Azureen) "Kau perempuan tipikal ke?" (Farid) "Semua orang lain." (Aqilah)