
Showing posts from January, 2016

It was raining

A rainbow emerged after the rain. It was a very beautiful one. It has colours so vibrant that it stood out leaving the clear blue sky behind as a backdrop. This rainbow brings out light and it lit up the entire hemisphere. The spectrum of colours in the rainbow greatly respects the law of extraction. It was a colourful view to everyone's eyes. Nothing actually detained the rainbow. It must come out, eventually. It has been anticipating for the rain to stop. It has to be here after the rain. What you did not notice is the coming of this rainbow. Nobody saw it coming. Every soul was too submerged into the thought of rain and storm. The rain was surely, unexplainably terrible.   P/s : At one point, I was honestly very happy for you. To think that I could become this is an accomplishment for me.

When it's just me but my late night thoughts hit hard

Today is officially the last day of my fifth semester. I had my last paper which was a re-exam. I had early dinner with my bestfriend and I had done nothing productively since I got back to my room a few hours ago. Set that aside, I want to immerse myself into the thoughts of life. Precisely, my life.  I've got no words to describe what circles my mind right now. Literally speechless. I could write you thousands of words and pages of paragraphs just to explain what I feel right now. Okay. Contrary to what I wrote earlier, I am not going to write thousands of words or pages of paragraphs. Let me just be honest. I am just going to write one word and one word only. Love. Cheesy, as it may sound? It actually depends on your tone and how you say it. How beautiful and how sad everything in this world depends on how you justify it. I like to address things as subjective . It lies in between your definition. How you define things, in this context, love, may not be as similar as min...