
Showing posts from February, 2017

I was wrong.

Right after it happened, I knew I was wrong. I admit. It was me who was dumb. Please, Allah, guide me to the correct path. Save me from any misfortune. Am I just being selfish? Am I not considering my family's feelings? But a friend said, for once, think from your own perspective. I owe my mother so much. I need to again find my correct purpose of going.  It will be a different world. My best friend will not be there with me. Be extra careful. Ask around before agreeing. Ya, Allah. Please let me endure and come home safe. Jangan suka-suka sangat.

12 weeks

Macam mana lah aku nk survive nnti. Berderau darah dengar amaun. Apasal lah aku xterpikir dari awal haritu. Ape lah dalam kepala otak aku ni. Tawakkaltu alallah je lah. I hope it's not too late. Allah tolonglah aku, Allah. Hendakku tanamkan keyakinanku padaMu Yang Maha Esa. Cukuplah Engkau sebagai Pengatur bagiku.