oi hello technology hunters!

After analyzing my results, i was happy that i didn't get any E's. tapi D lulus kan hahah. good job Zuriani, good job. i learnt something from the tour to Taylor's today, that we should praise ourselves everyday. okeh but i won't anyway. let me just praise my cat, not myself. hahahahh

okeh i would like to talk about my friend. she's the kind of person that has a straight goal forward. the way she acts, walks and even talks. and even her body language tells you that she has her goals to achieve. sometimes that makes me think she walks with a big signboard that says

aku bukannye kutuk ke hina dia ke ek. dia ni confidence pun tinggi, macam xde je perkataan 'takut' ke 'gentar' ke dalam kamus dia. kalau berdiri sebelah die boleh jatuh confidence ko. tapi yg bagus pasal dia ni goal yg dia nk achieve tu semua dia dapat la. aihh termotivasi plak aku ni.

but i won't tell you who she is. aku dapat motivasi dari pandang dia je. kahkahkah bagus kan?

anyway, kenapa sony ericsson punye phone lembab? benci lak ai. pastu dia boleh plak keluar dua skrin sekaligus. pastu pun boleh plak tiba2 terpadam sendiri. ade x sesape yg nk tolong hentak2 pijak2 phone aku? tapi tolong belikan yg baru sekali jugak eh. hahhahahh

p/s: i'm starting to like typography!!

enjoy :)


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