as time passes

hi techno world :D okehh maybe both of you can stop urging me now, right? hahahahh thank you thank you :) Nina's open house was kind of superb hahahahh. there were only four of us and we had to find some ways to entertain ourselves and one of them was to show stupid faces in front of the camera. hahah who can ever neglect that? LOL *i'm lolling hahahahh na aku pinjam gmba ko ek let's review some of our childhood memories. the main thing i love about being a child is that you don't have any worries. you don't have to worry about where your clothes are, whether your lunch is ready or not or actually the question is supposed to be who's going to prepare the lunch, who would wake you up in the morning (i think our first best friend in high school was the alarm clock). to compare them to now, i think i, you, we and every sane human being own all the worries that's possible to exist. do you still remember the moment when you had your first something? your first ...