
Showing posts from January, 2012

antara satu dekad dengan sepuluh tahun

technology hunters :) "Pizza dah siap ke?" Tidak kurang semeter dari tempat aku berdiri, datang seorang wanita bertudung labuh dan lengkap berjubah ke arah aku. Gerak geri badannya lembut dan tenang. Ye, tenang. Lantas dia senyum ke arah aku dan tidak aku nafikan, wajahnya berseri. Juga, seperkara lagi yang tak dapat aku nafikan, hati aku rasa tenang melihat wajahnya. "Zuraini!" "Puan Norhaszlin?" Dia senyum lagi, tapi menidakkan. "Ustazah Tsuwaibah?" Kali ini dia senyum mengiyakan. "Ya Allah, ustazah! Ustazah ingat lagi saya!" "Macam mana boleh lupa Zuraini. Mak ayah sihat?" "Sihat je. Mak saya dah bersara dah ustazah. Tahun lepas." "Ohhh." "Saya dah habis sekolah dah, ustazah." "Jadi sekarang ni kakak buat apa?" "Haha menganggur, ustazah." "Kenapa menganggur pulak?" "Tak, saya baru je habis sekolah ni. Sekarang tunggu result bulan 3 ni." "Lepas ni k...


Let me just disappear into a tale A tale not worth telling A tale not worth remembering As I know You might not be here When I need you the most Let me just vanish For it hurts When thinking of you Is the only option When remembering you Causes nothing but pain The feigned on your countenance Is obvious Please, just let me Disappear.

driving II

techno world :) You know, if driving were easy, I won't have to go through these kinds of things just for that wallet-sized license. At my first driving lesson, I know my hands were shaking but, yahh you know, courage saved the day HAHA. Now, it's almost a month and I can really drive ~awesome~ . No, it's a lie. I can drive but, I get panicked easily and I tend to forget to lower the gear at the turn and I drive fast for a beginner *this is not my bad, the car's meter is not working, I don't know the speed . Anyway, driving is so tiring that I'd get a few hours of nap coming back from driving. I've got only two hours left for the lesson and I'm waiting for qti on tuesday. So, wish me luck as I need every single piece of that ;) p/s : counting the days for you and me :)


techno world :) When it comes to new year resolution, there are just so many things to talk about. And of course, needs and desires are important. For the moment, let's don't talk about desires. Actually, I don't have money, so I can't have any desires. I'd noted this; desires come after money. 2012 will lead me to my future. Whatever lies ahead, I'll face it with great expectations (ayat bajet bro). Anyway, I'll make sure I'll step into a college or a university this year. I'll accept any kinds of scholarship or apply any kinds of loan for that. Yes, that pathetic. And that desperate. What?! I'm not a bank -_- I feel so old saying I'll be 18 in seven months. My regret in school is "Why didn't I be cooler senior?". Is that a regret? No, no hahaha. It's just that "Why didn't I have more memories?". More memories such that "Why didn't I be great at sports?" and "Why didn't I have excellent ...

3 Januari 2012, hari terbaik kau

technology hunters :) Cis. 3 Januari 2012. Hari paling teruk untuk mulakan tahun baru. Aku tak tahu apa dah jadi dekat aku, mungkin aku terlalu excited atau aku cuma dah tak ambil peduli. Harini ada dua perkara jadi dekat aku yang membuatkan aku rasa sangat bodoh. Yes, memang aku mengaku itu salah aku. Tapi, aku tak pernah terfikir yang aku sedang buat silap semasa aku buat silap tu. Dan aku memang tak sengaja buat salah. Tak terniat dalam otak aku nak buat salah, common sense lah. Siapa nak buat salah dengan sengaja kan. *mungkin ada Hahah how pathetic. I always had "Who actually cares" in my mind but, there really are people that cared. Shit mann, I just hope no one cares. we'll die too, though .