driving II

techno world :)

You know, if driving were easy, I won't have to go through these kinds of things just for that wallet-sized license. At my first driving lesson, I know my hands were shaking but, yahh you know, courage saved the day HAHA.

Now, it's almost a month and I can really drive ~awesome~. No, it's a lie. I can drive but, I get panicked easily and I tend to forget to lower the gear at the turn and I drive fast for a beginner *this is not my bad, the car's meter is not working, I don't know the speed.

Anyway, driving is so tiring that I'd get a few hours of nap coming back from driving. I've got only two hours left for the lesson and I'm waiting for qti on tuesday. So, wish me luck as I need every single piece of that ;)

p/s : counting the days for you and me :)


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