those damn freaking old memories

I went to the school today. Man, I'll stop coming to school. The last time I came I promised not to be there again. Why? Because it brings back those damn freaking old memories.

Those damn freaking old memories you have when you and your friends were sitting in a circle, talking and laughing and those damn freaking old memories of you and your friends enjoying school life. And it puts me in despair whenever I remember those memories. Worse, it makes me feel devastated realizing they were all in the past, realizing you wouldn't get a second chance to do those amazing things you did in school ever again.

And also, realizing you'd forget some of those memories or not be able to recapture the moments back.

It breaks my heart knowing we will not have those kinds of laughter most of the time again.
It really does.

p/s : the past sucks, the future sucks more


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