A letter to my best friend #2
I love you. So much that I expected you to be by my side all the time. So much that I expected you to support me all the time. So much that I disregarded that you have a mind and feeling of your own.
We have been friends for 5 years now. I hope we stay this way forever. I like it when you make me think of situations rationally. You have always had your way out of difficult situations. And I have always looked upon you for that.
Forgive me for the things I did and words I said that caused you displeasure. Those either voluntary or involuntary deliberate actions won't matter now because they were all in the past.
I really hope you succeed in your future rush. I know you are indeed capable and brilliant so please have it your way. You are a beautiful being and more ladylike than you imagined.
Let's continue making memories.
In between Ireland and England skies,
29 April 2017.
In between Ireland and England skies,
29 April 2017.
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