At 23
During these few months, I can say that I actually am starting to figure out what I want to do with my life but, I am losing it tonight. I feel lost and the path that I'd want to walk through seems blurry. I thought I had this in my mind these few weeks. A single touch from outside made me rethink of my life all over again.
There are times when people urge and limit you to grow. These people, despite the fact that they don't know you well, think that they know you. They think you can do what they asked you to. But the more important point is, they think you want to do what they asked you to. Giving you not a chance to say no, you had to agree because you haven't quite mastered the skill to refuse (which you had for a while back then). And the blame is on you.
I once grasped the true meaning of "You and I are not the same". I am praying so hard that I won't let go of this sentence.
Also today, I feel deeply disappointed in an old friend whom I looked upon. You're not so great after all. It happened when your actions were contrary with your words.
I should sleep now. I am having backache, stomachache and sorethroat for 2 days already.
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