
Assalamualaikum and hi there. I hope you're doing great.

To start off, I actually have a bunch of friends who happen to be concerned of me not working at the moment. Aside from family, I mean. In a good way, I'm glad.

I'll be having my convocation in two weeks. I know I'll finish degree eventually but I didn't realised it would come this soon. Degree life is great. Enjoyed every bit of it. I miss going to classes, field and everything. After four years, I still love the fact that I got to learn something very different from what I was taught in school. I remember those small parts where I was silly in front of my crush, happily learning something new, dumb during exams, sad for my project and loved by friends. I would never ask for another chance to repeat because this memory alone is enough for me to cherish all my life.

A year ago, I would have think that I've passed the learning stage of my life at this moment. However, the presence is not as it seemed a year ago. In fact, I feel I know very little of what I was taught. Or it is just me? Realising this is what makes me quite nervous to make a move forward. But I've got to push myself through, I suppose? No, no one's dragging me to where I don't belong.

That's why I always told me friends before that you will never realise how much you are changing in a year. Going through internship, meeting people and bracing yourself are the small disregarded success you have made unconsciously. You have my respect for those, friends.

In spite of that, I'm about to do something many refer to as 'ridiculous'. The last time someone said 'ridiculous' to me (and it hurt me a lot forgod sake haha) was when I decided to intern at the Emerald Isle. Yet, went there, came back.

I can challenge myself again. I'm ready to brace myself. Though I'm anxious, I just need some support. Come along, would you?

P/s: Hey, as you're reading this, I hope you take care of yourself well. I couldn't be there for you all the time; I have my priorities and so do you. As I'm wishing success upon you, I would love if you could do the same for me too. See you when I see you.


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