Worst breakdown yet

It came to my mind today that I am experiencing the worst breakdown I've ever had in my life yet. I have been crying on and off for five days but today, it comes with a full package of mental and physical breakdown.

A lot has been going on this week. I graduated yesterday. That will be in another post. I got a job offer today which has been pending for the last three to four weeks I thought I didn't get called. I feel so confused whether to accept or reject but after a long emotional talk with my mother, I have my mind decided. I don't want anyone to be upset including me. It's just that I am so bad at evaluating.

Come on. Tomorrow I will be better than yesterday. I promise.

Other than that, the past few days have taught me not to put high hopes in people. I was disappointed, furious and somewhat devastated. I felt betrayed and I know more than anybody else that it's only me who felt this way.

This time, I am enraged at some people who happened to get a better opportunity than me. I will remember their faces when they looked down on me. Do me a favour and keep your rudeness to yourself. You looked dumb when you let it out. You are in no position to judge me despite the fact that we're friends. How disrespectful.

One day, you're going to regret you once disdained me. You wait.


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