Often, at times

Often, at times I feel an urge to resume writing. I've left these spaces unattended for far too long. I used to write whenever I had free time and in fact, I managed to free my time to write. Now, I'm losing my dearest passion I had in me since I was in school. It's all due to the dryness I experienced everyday. I was lethargic these past few weeks, barely had any rest during the day. Got back home and slept for a few hours straight. Sometimes, I skipped dinner to only wake up the next morning and redo yesterday. That's why most of the time I wish to have a company, far or near that I can talk or text to. Many times, just resembling a zombie.

I always have this way of thinking in which youth is a period of life I shouldn't be wasting away, doing things I dislike. I don't want to be working my body off and sooner be struck of the fact that I have repeatedly denied; I'm hating this job. I don't want to be forty and mocking what I do daily, loathing my boss, cursing off mistakes, not getting paid well and dressed like I lack of time and money to. Above all, I don't want to lose all these colours in life. There's got to be more to it.

Let me put these ideas in ink, on papers so that whatever happens in life, I won't forget these promises I made to myself and my best friends. I just have to find my way through like I always did somehow. Although I didn't get them right all the time but hey, at least I survived.

Just a list
- cafe in a garden
- a farm, or a few farms
- plant factory
- skirt universe
- flower wall

Let's get a holiday and quit not long after. Shall we, Zuriani?


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