
Showing posts from April, 2011

never will be

technology hunters :) Have you ever thought or wondered why there are certain people dislike you, or question you, or react in a way that you notice they are getting rid of you? Why? You hated these. No, you hated them. "There are all losers" or "They are just jealous of what I have". But, the question is, do they? Do they really hate you for what you have? If you think so, go stare at the mirror. Once you do so, look at it once again. If you still think so, have a glance at the mirror for the third time. Then, whatever morons you think of them, they will turn out to be the greatest adviser. 'Cause they are right, and you are wrong. The trick is when a person says she/he hates you, they are wrong, but when there are more than two persons talk bad about you, you are wrong. And, one thing, do not ever, I repeat, EVER confront a person or people in front of others 'cause when you do so, that shows how dastard you are. ohh, how i miss this moment :)


techno world :] apa-apa pun, sapa-sapa pun, aku mintak maaf. p/s : susah nak puaskan hati orang ni.

how time flies, oh how time lies

technology hunters :) "tu lah Kak Zue yang kitorang mula-mula kenal dulu" Ye. Terima kasih. Aku ni masih aku lagi rupanya. Masa tu menipu je. Kan?

typolution :D

dah tgk dulu, tp tgk lg sbb best :) enjoy :}



sudah lah

techno world :) tak pernah aku rasa macam ni. selama ni tak pernah langsung. penat yg amat. astaghfirullahalazim. aku tak salahkan keadaan. aku tak kesalkan perasaan. cuma, aku penat, terlalu penat melayan jiwa-jiwa yang minta dipuaskan ikut kehendaknya kerana tidak pernah terbit rasa perlu untuk memahami orang lain. sekarang baru aku rasa penat. kenapa tah. penat, juga sebab ada jiwa yang menuduh menyerang ikut suka, alasannya diri terseksa, tapi riak wajah ceria saja. haihh.. tapi, terima kasih buat jiwa-jiwa yg sentiasa ada, menyokong aku selama ni. macam mana la aku nak balas korang. p/s : just let me be me. bear in mind, even though you asked for it, you won't get it.

my one and only

technology hunters :) thank you. thank you my friend. you did wake me up. where else could i get this courage? Gio - Getar Hati


techno world :) hari ni aku nak ajar kau makna. makna apa? makna perkataan. ada satu perkataan yg kau patut ingat. jgn sesekali lupa, buat2 lupa, tak pun tak amik peduli. ingat ni, bukak mata kau terang2, bukak hati kau luas2. aku tak perlukan telinga lagikan mulut, aku cuma perlu mata dan hati yg ikhlas. apa maksud hargai? kata dasarnya drpd perkataan harga. kalau ikut kamus dewan edisi ketiga, hargai membawa makna hormati, memuliakan. kau tau bila nak praktikkan perkataan ni? aku rasa tak. tak pe, meh aku ajar lg. kita guna perkataan ni bila kita rasa bersyukur sebab orang tertentu dah tolong kita. siapa orang tertentu tu? tak kisah la sesapa, orang dekat ke jauh. macam mana nak hargai orang tu? pertama, kau ucap terima kasih kat dia. kedua, kau layan dia elok2 sebab dia dah tolong kau. tapi, bukan bererti kau kena junjung, muliakan dia macam raja. ketiga, kau tak tikam dia dari belakang. kesimpulannya, kalau orang dah tolong kita, pandai2 la hargai. tak kisah la tolong banyak ke, to...