growing up the hard way

techno world :)

as all of you know, growing up is not that easy. especially if you are a teenager. it's teenage life, man. it's all about enjoying everything that comes in your way.

truly, i am 16! i am supposed to rebel.
the hardest part is that i am not sure about what i really want, and even what i love or hate. for a moment, i like this. later it turn out to be i hate this, i like that.

life is really easy for some people. they do not have to worry about how worse their grades have been, or how much money is left in their pockets. recently, it has struck me that i have to start thinking of my own life, not others anymore. i have a life. it's now up to me how i am going to live it. i really can't forget what a friend of mine said not long ago, "tahun depan ko pekse wei". and i can't believe i am repeating this once again, i hate thinking about the future. freakishly.

now, it is time to meet the future. i am not quite sure of either i do not want to face the reality or i just want to live in fantasy. it's all about me now. forget others. and it has nothing to do with any selfishness. it's just me.

in any way possible, i will realize. in fact, all of us will.


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